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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Board of Regents to consider change in statute of limitations

Presently, Federal law applies a two-year statute of limitation, except where the state prescribes an explicit time limitation for requesting a hearing. At its Monday meeting, the NYS Board of Regents will consider a State Ed proposal to shorten the statute of limitation. State Ed seeks to “[a]mend Education law to provide that a due process hearing must be requested within one year of the date the parent or district had knowledge of the issue, with exceptions as required by federal law and with an exception that for parents seeking tuition reimbursement, such request must be made within 180 days of the date the parent placed his/her child in the private school.” State Ed reasons that “[a] statute of limitations of more than one year to request an impartial hearing is programmatically inappropriate since IEPs are developed for one year. IDEA due process procedures should be designed to resolve disputes within one year so that any resulting changes needed to assure that the student receives a free appropriate public education are made in time to benefit the student.” I’m sure that State Ed also reasons that shortening the statute of limitations on reimbursement claims would be a much easier way to nip in the bud the financial cost of private school reimbursement, rather than focusing on the rampant problems in school districts, NYC in particular, which problems have given rise to these reimbursement claims.

See here for a list of the many items that the Board of Regents will be considering changing on Monday. Items include CSE composition, evaluation of preschoolers, 3602-c services and notice timelines. Note also that some of these items would require legislative change. The proposed change to the statute of limitations is one of the items that would require legislative action.

Update (3/7/11): Due to inclement weather, the Board of Regents postponed discussion of the above items until its April meeting.

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