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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

SDNY reverses SRO again on reimbursement claim

Eschenasy v. New York City Dept. of Educ., Slip Copy, 2009 WL 804120
S.D.N.Y.,2009: IHO found for the parent on this reimbursement claim for a private placement at the Elan School. SRO reversed in case number 06-077 finding that she was not emotionally disturbed despite the child’s history of social maladjustment, cutting behavior, lying, stealing, inappropriate sexual conduct, purging, and a variety of other serious behavioral and emotional problems. The SDNYdisagreed and reversed the SRO. Note that the SRO just recently decided the next chapter in this same case in SRO 08-099, again reversing an IHO determination of eligibility and an award of reimburement at the Elan School.

After finding that the child met two of the five categories in the definition of emotionally disturbed, the Court then determined that her symptoms had adversely affected educational performance. The Court highlighted that SRO Kelly had essentially mischaracterized the evidence in the record in concluding that the child’s emotional problems had not adversely impacted her educational performance stating:

Despite acknowledging testimony in the record that Ann failed several courses in high school, the SRO stated that there was no documentary evidence of failing grades nor was there any testimony from her teachers or any indication that she had been held back a grade. Based on this lack of evidence, the SRO found that Ann had not shown that her emotional problems adversely affected her educational performance.

The Court allowed a transcript as additional evidence reasoning that

the documents are relevant and useful to the analysis of whether Ann's emotional problems have affected her educational performance. This is especially true in light of the SRO's confusing statements about Ann's failing grades and his suggestion that there was insufficient documentary evidence that her school work had been adversely affected. In addition, this evidence directly contradicts defendants' argument that Ann has been able to obtain passing grades despite her emotional problems. I therefore conclude that the usefulness of these transcripts outweighs any procedural considerations weighing against their admission.

Finally, while ruling that the equities favored reimbursement, the equities weighed against an award of attorney fees because the parents were partially to blame for the district’s failure to conduct an evaluation and classroom observation prior to the unilateral placement.

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