Parents contended that implementation of an unwritten policy prevented them from obtaining an independent psychological evaluation; that without the completed evaluation, the parents did not have the information they needed to effectively participate in the development of an IEP for their child; and that the parents’ right to obtain an independent educational evaluation (IEE) under the IDEA included the right to have their private psychologist conduct in-school observations of their child. The Court agreed with the parents citing to an OSEP memo, Letter to Mamas, 42 IDELR 10. The Court thus affimed the ALJ’s order allowing the psychologist retained by the parents to conduct an in-school observation of at least two hours.
The attorneys at the Law Offices of H. Jeffrey Marcus, P.C. provide representation to parents who believe their kids are not being properly served. In this blog, I present current developments in special education law. The focus is on recent federal and New York State cases and important legislative and regulatory developments.
If you are a parent in need of help for a child with a disability, please email us at, call us at 716-634-2753 or contact us through our website.