C.S. v. STATE (E.D.Mo. 9-8-2009):
Child suffers from multiple severe disabilities and is placed by the school district in a state school for the severely handicapped. Parents alleged that the child was neglected and abused and that the school failed to implement the child’s IEP. Parents sought compensatory services and audio/visual surveillance. The school district moved to dismiss the parents’ complaint. The Court examined the request for surveillance and held that it could be necessary for a child to receive an appropriate education. Therefore, the Court refused to dismiss the complaint.
The attorneys at the Law Offices of H. Jeffrey Marcus, P.C. provide representation to parents who believe their kids are not being properly served. In this blog, I present current developments in special education law. The focus is on recent federal and New York State cases and important legislative and regulatory developments.
If you are a parent in need of help for a child with a disability, please email us at specialedlaw@mac.com, call us at 716-634-2753 or contact us through our website.