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Sunday, April 25, 2010

NYS Education Department seeks to reduce Statute of Limitations

State Ed. is once again attempting to get the NYS Board of Regents on board in its effort to get the New York State legislature to reduce the statute of limitations for filing an impartial hearing request from two years down to one year. State Ed is seeking other changes as follows:

  • Amend regulations relating to integrated co-teaching to authorize a variance to the maximum number of students with disabilities (12) in an integrated co-teaching class upon notification to the Commissioner that includes documented educational justification.  
  • Amend §200.13 to repeal the minimum daily frequency and duration for instructional services to address a student with autism's individual needs, while retaining the general requirement that the IEP of the student include instructional services to meet the individual student's language needs.  
  • Repeal the minimum frequency/duration requirements for speech and language related services  
  • Repeal the requirement in law that every teacher of the student be provided a copy of the student's individualized education program (IEP), while retaining the requirement that each teacher have access to the IEP and be informed of his/her responsibilities to implement the IEP.  
see http://www.regents.nysed.gov/meetings/2010Meetings/April2010/0410vesidd2.htm for memo from Rebecca Cort (NYSED) to the Board of Regents.